A Law firm in Paris dedicated to tax law
Paris 17
Rely Avocat is an independent office founded in April 2022 and located in the 17th arrondissement of Paris . As its founding partner, Rosemary Billard-Moalic wishes to provide pragmatic solutions to the multiple tax issues encountered by her French and foreign clients, be they individuals or companies.
Rely Avocat is convinced that its clients should pay their fair share of tax, no more, no less.
Rely Avocat 's core values are proximity, pragmatism, versatility.

Rely Avocat considers the relationship with its clients as a partnership of trust.
Rosemary Billard-Moalic knows her clients perfectly and works closely with them.
She ensures a regular presence and active listening to constantly adapt her guidancek to the needs and expectations of her clients.
Rely Avocat considers that it is useless to force a square peg into a round hole.
Rosemary Billard-Moalic offers solutions that meet her clients’ needs, but also their desires, because experience has taught her that a solution is unsuitable when it is too strenuous.
Rely Avocat considers that the protection and defence of its clients’ best interests requires a global approach.
If Rosemary Billard-Moalic is first called upon on tax matters, she knows that her clients are mostly looking for an overall solution that will make their life easier.
To that end and while remaining the privileged interlocutor of her clients, she relies on a network she has created over the years of trusted professionals allowing this multidisciplinary approach: specialized lawyers, notaries, chartered accountants, family offices, etc.
Rely Avocat is committed to mobilizing all the human, intellectual and material resources necessary to solve problems and carry out its clients' projects.
Thanks to her experience, Rosemary Billard-Moalic knows how to mobilize a high level of expertise which she puts at the service of her clients both when she advises them and when she represents them. Dealing with the tax authorities or in court, Rosemary Billard-Moalic is combative in defending her clients’ best interests.